Another Day
Hidden Name: QuestCohl
The question was raised, why did Melody check on Theresa instead of Chrys? Adamas got it right. Helping Chrys wouldn't do her any good if someone snuck up behind Melody and killed her while she was distracted. First priority was getting intelligence on the situation.
And the intelligence? Blue healed Baron Sir. To death.
Use your imagination there.
See you Monday!
adamas (Guest) (2014-10-30)
That sound kind of like "I'll kill you! I'll Kill you until you DIE from it!"
Drakanor Dream (Guest) (2014-10-30)
Pain is part of healing and too much pain has killed people ... Just saying :D
Pseudo (Guest) (2014-10-31)
I like the view under Melodys arm. Gives a hint that the mechanical parts extend fairly deep into her chest. I wonder if her eye will be replaced or healed?
Berpol (Guest) (2014-10-31)
Healing takes a lot of fine control. I guess closing arteries is easier than just healing them.
Gunsolo (Guest) (2014-10-31)
Blue healed him so much, that his hitpoints suffered a stack overflow.