Hidden Name: Jen

Summer! So far this summer I've had three retaining walls rebuilt, a walkway refashioned and a new railing put in. I've also managed to kill a number of plants in my garden... but I have raised some nice zuchini and a few cucumbers I can pickle. We're letting most of the herbs go to seed this year.

What's your summer like so far? Or, you know, winter for those of you in Australia.

Adamas (Guest) (2014-07-31)

hmmm remove one part and they blow up...good to know.

My summer? I'm ready for Fall. Wink

Gunsolo (Guest) (2014-08-01)

So, Chrys's energy blasts are a lot more effective against the undead than robots. Good to know. Smile

Summer? There has been a record amount of rain here these last two months, kind of feels like spring and fall have fused together.
I've been helping my dad doing maintenance on our summer house, and so far we have sanded and repainted a big concrete hot tub, felled three trees and dug up the roots and replaced our TV, the antenna and its cable.