Hidden Name: Adamas


This comes about because, in my original outline I did intend for them to use the Beast to smash through the front entrance of the Inn. However, the more I thought about it, the more I thought I should use a method that already existed in the MotA universe. We haven't seen a dreamwalk in quite some time, after all, and it is a central aspect of Chrys's character. Remember, dreamwalking is different from walking the Royal Road. Any key can use the Royal Road but only Dreamers (Chrys and her dad) can dreamwalk.

See y'all Thursday!

Adamas (Guest) (2014-06-30)

Admitedly the whole "Someone is Hunting Dreamwalkers" thing does put a damper on it. Kinda like firing a magnesium flare when you're supposed to be sneaking in.

Thor (Guest) (2014-06-30)

It'll be cool to see the dreamwalking again, but what I really want to find out about is spell on the girls' noses. They've been growing slowly but steadily larger and more bulbous as the chapter has progressed--too consistently to be an accident. I'm wondering what sort of spell the Baron cast that would cause this and how it is going to tie into the storyline. 

Gunsolo (Guest) (2014-06-30)

Yeeeah... Dreamwalking does not sound like a safe move right now, what with someone hunting the dreamers.

It is better than ramming the gate with the beast though, as that option might mean that I would fall off the hood. Smile