Rip his arms off!
Hidden Name: Kietra
Come on, man. You know you'll like the puzzle. It'll make you feel soooo good. :)
The door Baron Sir is sliding open is behind the bar. It leads to the kitchen and, past that, to... well, we'll see.
So, who is excited for the new Sailor Moon?
Fairportfan (Guest) (2014-06-19)
From Terry Pratchett's "Soul Music":"...and if anybody tries to play wossmame - 'Pathway to Paradise', rip their head off.""Shouldn't I give 'em a warning?""That'll BE their warning."(The number of music store clerks i've quoted that to who smiled wistfully...)
Fairportfan (Guest) (2014-06-19)
TC (Guest) (2014-06-19)
Sailor Moon yay!
Gunsolo (Guest) (2014-06-19)
It leads to the kitchen, and past that... to the pantry!
Adamas (Guest) (2014-06-20)
He's gonna spend a couple minutes regaining his composure with the mini-Rubik's Cube in his pocket.