Hi, everyone!

Keith's had a family medical emergency so the next page has been delayed until Monday. We appreciate your patience.

In the meanwhile, please enjoy this little bit of filler Keith put together! Chrys and Theresa dressed as the Supergirl and Batgirl. Chrys is wearing the Helen Slater Supergirl costume from the movie. Theresa is in the original Batgirl costume from Barbara's first appearance in the comics.

Also, please check out the Golden Dames Project! It is my new webcomic project where I spotlight empowered female characters and creators from the Golden Age of comics. Each chapter highlights a different person and tells a complete story. I also provide commentary to provide historical context.

Currently, we're spotlighting Futura, a female space adventurer in the vein of Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon. The art is gorgeous and the writing full of pulp goodness. Please check it out! Better yet, leave a comment! The site is lonely.

Adamas (Guest) (2014-04-09)

Send Kieth our best!!

Gunsolo (Guest) (2014-04-11)

Best wishes to Keith.
Also, thats a very good filler. Smile

Stig Hemmer (Guest) (2014-04-12)

Best wishes to your family.  And thank you for these super women.