Of Stars and Swords
Hello? Is anyone out there? You guys have been awfully quiet lately. I think I understand, though. You're probably at the "yet another trailer and you wish the damn movie would start already" phase. I've been there myself! Hold on just a few more days and we'll be back to Mysteries of the Arcana, I promise!
In the meanwhile, you really should check out Of Stars and Swords. Gorgeous art. Beautiful writing. A strong, female lead. It really is worth reading.
See you tomorrow!
Aleena (Guest) (2014-03-22)
That's because there's too many webcomics to read! It's hard to keep up!
Anarchduke (Guest) (2014-03-22)
That's because I've been gorging on all the archives from the webcomics you've been posting. Its all your fault.
Gunsolo (Guest) (2014-03-22)
That's because I went back into Lurker mode for a while.
Too many trailers, not enough time to read all the comics. I�ve actually read through the entire archive of dream*scar (it's very good, I lost some sleep during that archive binge), about a hundred pages of Sombulus and three chapters of Monkey Island... err... I mean Lasalle's legacy.
Webcomic wednesday sounds like a pretty good idea.
Those Lego figures in the last post were friggin awesome!
Looking forward to the start of chapter 5 on monday!
Oh, and the Wall of the arcane looks very nice.
J Gray (2014-03-23)
I am an evil, evil person. Yes.