Greetings, boys and girls and others; Keith W. here. You guys might remember me as that one guy who drew the first 2 chapters and such.

I realize, with everything going as it has been, there are a lot of questions, though two big ones seem to be in the forefront. We will answer those in this post.

Firstly, and most importantly, is J okay?

The short answer is yes. Which leads us to the second question.

Is MotA dead?

No. MotA is alive, and J still plans to continue it. Referring back to the first question; J's suffering pretty bad burnout. The best and biggest thing I think any of us can do is be supportive and understanding. He's been pushing this coming out for over 3 years, with nearly no failings to get the writing done.

Once he's able to find his footing, the comic will continue, and I sincerely hope all of you guys are here, ready for that to happen.

Thanks for your time, and stick around, I'm pretty darn sure much more exciting things are coming.

The picture was tons of fun to revisit characters I helped bring to life, and incorporate a few of the more recent stylized changes (Theresa's hair).

Hope you enjoyed!

Keith W.

Genthar (Guest) (2012-09-22)

Thanks for the update!  Glad to know everyone is OK.  Burnout happens to the best of them.  Will be patiently waiting for the comic to return.

Flinn (Guest) (2012-09-23)

Wow...I just popped in for the usual nothing's-happening and got a new page :D

hydrocow (Guest) (2012-09-23)

Glad to hear that this is not died. I started reading this comic the day the last page was posted and have bean coming back every now and then hoping for an update. I just want you to know that I believe that this comic was worth waiting around for even if I have only just found it.

David T (Guest) (2012-09-24)

I, too, am glad to hear that nothing seriously (physically) bad has happened to you, J, and will keep watching for updates.  I look forward to the continuation once you are ready to do so.

Fairportfan (Guest) (2012-09-25)

Glad nothing's wronger than writer's block/burnout.
I waited close to two years (as i recall) for "The Wotch" to restart, so i can wait a bit longer here, especially since i know that there are plans to continue.

David (Guest) (2012-09-30)

Great to see that J (and by extension, MotA) is alive. It was a pain in the backside not knowing what was going on IRL (seriously, not even a blog post...), but knowing that he is well is satisfying enough.

Us readers would understand if you let us know about it. I am a follower of another webcomic that is going through a similar hiatus (personal reasons cited), but the author posts the occasional blog to let us know that he is well.

Well, anyway J. Now that my rant is over, I just want you to know that we are still behind you 100%. You take your time to get yourself in the right mindset to continue with this amazing story.

Thanks for the update as well, Keith. Great to see you out and about again (or at least online Smile )

Ayshara (Guest) (2012-09-30)

^ hit the nail on the head.

Fay (Guest) (2012-10-08)

Knowing what is going on is really helpful! I'm sorry that things are being rough on you J, but I'm really glad nothing worse is going on. I was getting really worried you died in a car crash or something. You have an interesting story and I am patient. You do what you need to do to take care of yourself, but please keep us in the loop this time.
Best wishes, Fay.

Cyril (Guest) (2012-10-10)

Health is the more important than anything. J take a good rest, we'll waiting Smile

a french fan

Piro (Guest) (2012-10-31)

Not a problem. Im not a long time fan but i fell in love with arcana almost instantly. The only thing I ask is that you get better but take as long as you want for rest, true fans will always wait.