I haven't recommended a fellow webcomic in a while. Of course, there's the great webcomics in the SpiderForest collective. Those are shown in the banner at the top of the comic. Those are all worth a read.

The comic I want to recommend today, however, is a fellow fantasy adventure called Shadowbinders. Its about 150 pages in, far enough that it has a strong plotline established. The writing is tight and art beautiful to look at. I highly recommend it.

** (Guest)** (2012-01-13)

Did Chrystalline bleach her hair before leaving the cell?

Peaches (Guest) (2012-01-13)

Purple streaks replaced by blonde highlights... hmm.  Well, maybe it's just the lack of trust.

J Gray (2012-01-13)

Gennifer quickly sent me a replacement with Chrys's hair properly stripped. Smile

Kneon (Guest) (2012-01-14)

Thanks for the shoutout, J!