Hey everyone. Just an update. We're experiencing hurricane weather as we speak. Power has gone out once and may go out again. Our basement is beginning to flood a little, which sucks because it is a finished basement and is used as an office.
So, if the comic isn't up Monday, don't panic. Its probably late because I'm not able to get online.
JD (Guest) (2011-08-28)
Hopefully it's no more than rain and your basement stands up to it.
I'm a dummy and forgot to wish you a happy Birthday on Saturday when we spoke. smacks self Ok, a belated Happy Birthday! Hope you're not too wet.
Eddie (Guest) (2011-08-28)
That's aweful! I hope it doesn't get too nasty for you <:(
adamas (Guest) (2011-08-29)
ya'll ok over there Hoss? Status check!