There's been some speculation on just what it is Mandrake has been saying, these last few pages. She can be very hard to write for, I admit. I try to make the pictures give the meaning of what she's saying without it being a rebus.

Last page, she was saying 'I'm holding on tight!', a snarky response to Chrys's Han Solo style admonishment to hold on!

Today I got a little creative with Mandrake's pictographs. Can you figure out what she means?

Thursday, we have some special guest stars in Mysteries of the Arcana!

Fairportfan (Guest) (2011-05-23)

Actually, today's gave me no problem at all.

Katy (Guest) (2011-05-23)

Yeah, I got today's fine - "Circe will be pissed" and "Liar liar pants on fire" - the last one (hanging on tight) I couldn't quite figure out, but I can usually get them OK.

adamas (Guest) (2011-05-23)

Yeah. It might take me a minute or two but I usually get them. It was just the "Hang on" One that confuzzled me. But then most humans don't think in pictograms Smile

SilentSooYun (Guest) (2011-05-24)

"Liar, liar, pants on fire!"

Gillsing (Guest) (2011-05-24)

Looks like someone else somewhere else had their collectors sent out to catch an elf and a fairy. It's a jungle out there. Pay your rent, or be used as rent payment! ;-)