Kludge and Melody get to go to the spa.

Chrys and Mandrake get to go to the mall.

And Theresa and William? They get to get eaten by a goat-frog.

Sometimes, there's no justice in the world.

Ayra (Guest) (2010-11-08)

Well, if you look at it the other way...The other two teams have to actually buy stuff. Theresa can get her stuff for free! Well, at least the frog thingy... So since I doubt Theresa has a lot of money, she lucked out on her list!And yay, first clean shot of post-surgeon Melody!

Eboreg (Guest) (2010-12-08)

Mandrake: Yay! Shopping!
I like her.

Johan (Guest) (2011-06-09)

I agree with Eboreg, Mandrake's reaction is so cute ^^