What to get...
Kludge and Melody get to go to the spa.
Chrys and Mandrake get to go to the mall.
And Theresa and William? They get to get eaten by a goat-frog.
Sometimes, there's no justice in the world.
Ayra (Guest) (2010-11-08)
Well, if you look at it the other way...The other two teams have to actually buy stuff. Theresa can get her stuff for free! Well, at least the frog thingy... So since I doubt Theresa has a lot of money, she lucked out on her list!And yay, first clean shot of post-surgeon Melody!
Eboreg (Guest) (2010-12-08)
Mandrake: Yay! Shopping!
I like her.
Johan (Guest) (2011-06-09)
I agree with Eboreg, Mandrake's reaction is so cute ^^