So, with the Halloween holiday right around the corner, and life throwing tons of uppercuts, we're going to have a small window before this next story starts.

However, it is going to be starring, as you might have guessed, everyone's favorite cyberpunk fairy, Mandrake!

Stay tuned!

Keith W.

Aleena (Guest) (2016-10-27)

Grayscale halloween reminds me of The Skeleton Dance. SmileLast edited by Guest
Edited 1 time(s).

JD (Guest) (2016-10-29)

How is Mr. J. and his lovely Mrs?  Have not heard for awhile.

Graham (Guest) (2016-10-30)

Was this made by a guest? It doesn't look like your art style.

adamas (Guest) (2016-10-30)

Hope things are settling down for you guys. As for this pic of Mandrake...SQUEE!!!!