Fly Away Home
And here we begin a new story! Fly Away Home, which details just how Mandrake came to live at the Inn! Art is by a previous artist of Mysteries of the Arcana, Sarah Wilkinson!
Bronze Hare and Kessy-Athena, to answer your questions:
Yes, the priest is a Hierophant Key! There's a story there and we might explore it someday.
And no, that isn't Vulcan Jesus. It is, however, a Hierophant doing a Vulcan sign! So close!
See you Thursday!
Fairportfan (Guest) (2016-08-02)
Ans we all know Mandrake didn't shoot first...
Adamas (Guest) (2016-08-02)
So she started as a ...street-fairy?
bob! (Guest) (2016-08-04)
Looks like Ahhzz, except for the eyepiece. Another Pervect?