Amazing Stuff, huh?
Let me tell you. Keith read this page in the script?
He almost quit. Right there. Right then. I had to BEG and PLEAD for him to stay on as the artist.
"J," he said, "This page is TOO complex! TOO insane! You don't pay me enough to draw a page THIS crazy!!!"
So, I said, "Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?"
And he did!
See you Monday!
David (Guest) (2016-03-25)
Spoiler alert: Then it turned out that Mister MistEerie was really Jay in a disguise, and the void monster was a splotch of liquid paper (white-out for you US folks) that was spilled on the page... :P
Bob! (Guest) (2016-03-31)
Waited for the lights to come on Monday,and it's still dark in the tree on Thursday!