Streaming art, and whoops!
Hey guys, sorry for the late update today, that's my fault. I got distracted with dinner and forgot to email the page to J last night, so I'm updating it now!
Also, of note, in the future, if any of you guys are down to watch me work, I plan to stream art regularly, even MotA things!
If the prospect of watching the behind-the-scenes bits intrigues you, hop on over to and click the "follow" button and you can get notified whenever I'm streaming MotA related art things!
On a personal side, I have my own streaming channel for non-MotA related things as well, (consumer warning, a majority of the content there is 18+).
Enjoy the page,
Keith W.
Fairportfan (Guest) (2015-09-28)
Hmmm - so is Chrystelline simultaneously reassuring Theresa that she and Ead are "just friends" while simultaneously and at the same time signaling something about her and Theresa to HIM?