Hidden Name: Christopher Galbreath

So! We cut away and back to the Inn itself, and the devious, evil device that's allowing information hijacking.

Amusingly, J's script insists that the thing blinks "evilly. Evilly I tells you!". So, I wonder what Kludge could be up to.

And don't forget! Check out our Patreon for our new project, Silver City, which will start posting next week on the Patreon site itself. (It'll post early for Patrons). And don't forget to hop on over and take a look at Gemini Dream Designs' handmade jewelry, and also on Facebook.

Until Thursday!

Keith W.

Kietra61871 (2014-08-18)

You guys are EVIL... really? You're going to keep us waiting to find out Mandrake's fate? Evil, evil, I tell you!

Gunsolo (Guest) (2014-08-18)

I don't really see how a wi-fi router can look evil...  unless maybe if it's the power light that's flickering? That would be really annoying. Smile