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Mysteries of the Arcana

Storm troubles

Well, that was fun! Power went out here Saturday night. That was while the area was being blanketed with about thirteen inches of snow. Fortunately, I had the foresight to shovel the drive-way during the storm so it was easier to dig the car out on Sunday. From there, there was a quest for heat. Ended up staying in two different locations until the power was restored at home.

I hope Mystery of the Arcana readers in the northeast are safe and sound. Shout out and let us know you're okay!

Johan (Guest) (2011-11-02)

hahaha My god what kind of gear box is that? You always surprise me with things I can never see coming, I love this webcomic so much. Also I really like the new artist, she has an interesting style. I hope you two can keep working together like this for very long cuz the result is great.

Gennifer (Guest) (2011-11-02)

Anyone recognize the Simpsons refrence? 


We're going to have a small delay, folks. Today's page is going to appear next Monday. I had a lot planned for last weekend that the storm shoved forward to this week. I've been playing catch-up and just haven't been in the right frame of mind for writing.

In the meanwhile, Genn prepared this very lovely filler. A peek into the future, maybe? Or just wishful thinking?