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Mysteries of the Arcana


I feel like I'm apologizing a lot.

Gennifer is in the middle of her move. The official move date was yesterday so she's in the midst of unpacking as we speak. In the meanwhile, she got me the black and white for the next page. It isn't complete but we felt you couldn't go another week with nothing substantial. You deserve our best efforts!

Theresa tries her mechanics skills on this page. So far, it isn't going well.

adamas (Guest) (2011-10-03)

Still looks good. And as anyone who's had a car hood come down can say...OUCH MUTHA-bleeb bleep bleep bleep bleep-ing bleep bleep!

Uhl (Guest) (2011-10-04)

This page actually looks BETTER in lineart form.

Pseudo (Guest) (2011-10-07)

Ooh!  Show us ALL about how folks just like us (except not) would build trucks just like ours (except not).  Would they do the things we could have done but didn't, like rotary lobes or opposed pistons?  Stirling cycle, or turbines?  Something totally 'out there'?
Or perhaps none of Theresa, William, Gennifer, or yourself are mechanic geeks, so all we get to see are some suggestive curvilinear (but not cylindrical) shapes, and a dead battery.

J Gray (2011-10-08)

I'm not sure how to respond to that, Pseudo. Except to say I'm sorry if we disapointed you.

Pseudo (Guest) (2011-10-12)

Not at all.  Your comic can only be about so many things, and not everyone cares about machinery for its own sake.  I love it the way it is! Keep doing what you're doing; and if a non-circular gear finds its way in there somehow, all the better!

Now in color!

Gennifer is moved in and unpacking. She sent along this full color version of the previous page, so we're moving along! Hopefully, next week, we'll be back to normal!

In the meanwhile, may I suggest a podcast? Gennifer appeared on Urban Otaku as a guest. She talked about Mysteries of the Arcana, art, and anime. It was a fun time! Warning, though, there is some language so you probably don't want to listen to it outloud at work or around small children.

Lastly, I want to send a belated thanks to a special reader. Someone was very kind and, about a month ago, donated one hundred dollars to the comic. That helped pay for the art and kept us going. I won't say who because I don't know if that person wants the publicity but they know who they are. Thank you!

Fairportfan (Guest) (2011-10-09)

Is that Vitamin X in the bottles?

Also: We know what they need the Vitamin X for. What do they need the goat-frog's bezoar for?

Uhl (Guest) (2011-10-11)
