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Mysteries of the Arcana

Happy Birthday!

This is Gennifer's first page with multiple panels and with our main characters. Not only that, she gets to show off William using his Key power! William is the Knight of Swords, which means he can use his power to learn about an enemy's defensive abilities.

I'm very sorry about the galleries, folks. I've added them but I've forgotten how to actually list them in the Art section. I'll get with JD and have him remind me.

To people having trouble with the RSS feed I apologize. It seems to be working okay with me. Please let me know if you are A) not receiving updates to an RSS feed you've already subscribed to or B) aren't able to subscribe to the RSS feed at all. They are two different problems and we need specifics to diagnose.

Finally, guess what! Saturday is my birthday! I'll be thirty-six! Happy birthday to me!

adamas (Guest) (2011-08-25)

Hmmm counting the two they killed that makes...666 DUN DUN DUNNNNN!

 Early Happy B-day to ya dude!

And Gennifer. Ya art's looking good M'lady!

Fairportfan (Guest) (2011-08-26)

LOVE the art.

j (Guest) (2011-08-26)

At least it is not 666 guards

Happy B-day

And i agree with @adamas the pages look great Gennifer

Nina (Guest) (2011-08-26)

Hurrah!!! Art to reflect/complement the spirit and content of the text. Wonderful to have you back and Happy Birthday!

Ayshara (Guest) (2011-08-26)

Live bookmark feed failed to load, so A, and happy birthday J. Mine's coming up as well, I'll be 28 beginning the week after next.

Ayshara (Guest) (2011-08-26)

^using Firefox 6.0

Gennifer Bone (Guest) (2011-08-26)

 Smile   thank you all for the love!

JD (Guest) (2011-08-26)

Oh, btw, the audition pages are available in the Art gallery.


Hey everyone. Just an update. We're experiencing hurricane weather as we speak. Power has gone out once and may go out again. Our basement is beginning to flood a little, which sucks because it is a finished basement and is used as an office.

So, if the comic isn't up Monday, don't panic. Its probably late because I'm not able to get online.

JD (Guest) (2011-08-28)

Hopefully it's no more than rain and your basement stands up to it.

I'm a dummy and forgot to wish you a happy Birthday on Saturday when we spoke. smacks self  Ok, a belated Happy Birthday!  Hope you're not too wet.

Eddie (Guest) (2011-08-28)

That's aweful! I hope it doesn't get too nasty for you <:(

adamas (Guest) (2011-08-29)

ya'll ok over there Hoss? Status check!