A friend of mine asked me what my favorite modern fantasy/horror theme book series were. I knew what my answer was of course, but I wonder what your answers would be.
So, I put the question to you. What's your favorite modern fantasy/horror theme book series?
Vekara (Guest) (2011-05-16)
adamas (Guest) (2011-05-16)
Not sure that really counts as Modern Vekara.
For me hmmm damn theres so many these days.
Dune (Guest) (2011-05-16)
Cirque Du Freak and not the lame movie either I mean the 12 books of awsomeness
Drasihl (Guest) (2011-05-16)
Hmm, I don't read much horror, but a few years back I read The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray, which was simply excellent.
Ayshara (Guest) (2011-05-16)
I'd say Kelly Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld is second with Jaqueline Carey's Kushiel Saga being first.
The Fool (Guest) (2011-05-16)
It's a toss up between Karen Miller's Godspeaker series, Jacqueline Carey's Naamah's series and Trudi Canavan's Black Magician series.
Sum_guy (Guest) (2011-05-16)
"The Dresden Files" by Jim Butcher.
Mei (Guest) (2011-05-16)
Um, well this is more fantasy than horror, but the Bartimaeus Trilogy is really good. Corrupt magicians secretly rule most countries with the powers of amazing spirits. told from the viewpoint of a sacastic, boasting djinn.
Mic-Gold (Guest) (2011-05-16)
Stephen King's "Dark Tower" series has the perfect mix of horror and fantasy in my opinion. But my favorite series is "The Wheel Of Time" by Robert Jordan. No horror, just fantasy.
nonsane (Guest) (2011-05-17)
I agree with Sum_guy the Dresen files is the most amazing series and it is my favorite. My guilty pleasure however is the Anita Blake series.